Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Goals

I am itching to lose another 10 pounds before Thanksgiving. I have unfortunitly gained 2 pounds in a month and I am not happy about it at all.. I was doing great eating right and exercising and then all of a sudden I started eating like poop again. I haven't started eating crazy amounts of fried foods or anything like that. It has been the bread (that dang toast is just sooooo good) and sweets (ice cream). I have still been exercising but losing weight really isn't going to work if I can't get a handle on eating right. It is soooooo frustrating. I have to face the reality that this is my life. I need to embrace this body that I have been given. I want to be around to be at least eighty. Wish me luck and please keep asking me how the weight loss is going. I think this is as skinny as I have been for at least five years. Sad I know.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Elizabeth with pigtails????

I finally attempted to put Elizabeth's hair in pigtails today. It is a joke. She is almost 2 and a half and has no hair. I need to do something though. Last week we were at Payless and some lady kept calling Elizabeth a "HE". She was wearing a dress. It was ridiculous.
I am also kinda blessed though because I have no idea how to fix her hair cute. I know it will come with practice but yeah..... I guess time will tell.


So I was going through our camera and looking through the pictures today and I accidentally deleted all the pictures off the camera. There were over 200 pictures on it. I thought Cory was going to Kill me. He is a nice husband though and said it was okay. I am glad we had uploaded 95% percent of them on the computer. I need to be more careful in the future.