Monday, August 30, 2010

Sarah' Baby Blessing

This past Sunday we blessed Sarah. It was so great that most of my family was there to participate in the blessing. Sarah looked so cute in her blessing dress.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Trouble Maker!

I must start this post by saying that I love my kids. That being said.......Elizabeth has been sooo naughty in the last 24 hours. First of all she hid they keys (I am not 100% sure but pretty sure of this). We looked for 4 hours and still couldn't find them. So today I had to get the car towed to the dealership so that they could reprogram new keys. It only cost us $160.oo. Then after we came home from getting the car I put on a Barney DVD for Elizabeth so that I could go nurse Sarah. While I am nursing I see Elizabeth go into the bathroom. I call for her to get out. She was still in the bathroom and refusing to come out. Finally she comes out covered in baby bath soap. She had dumped soap all over herself and on the floor. What a mess. Then after I get her cleaned up I notice this little container of "NO Thumbs" (stuff you put on your kids nails so that they don't bite their nails) empty and open on the floor. I have no idea what she did with it. It has cayenne pepper in it for heavens sake. And then as I am about ready to post this I go and check on Elizabeth and she was sitting on the floor eating peanut butter out of the jar with a comb. I can't leave her alone for a second.

I really don't know how Michelle Dugger (From 19 Kids and Counting) does it. Or anyone with tons of kids for that matter. I was talking to my mom today and she reminded me that she had 4 kids by the time she was my age. I shudder at that thought.Two kids are enough for me. When I am baby hungry in a year from now I want ya'll to remind me of this.

Friday, August 20, 2010


All the work has paid off.I am very happy right now. Elizabeth got into PPCD (preschool programs for children with disabilities)today. She will be going 8-11 Monday through Friday. It is going to be good for her. She needs all the help she can get. Her teacher seems really nice. I hope this will help with her speech and behavioral issues.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

2 Months Old

Our little Sarah is 2 months old today. We went to the doctor yesterday and she is growing like a weed. She weighs 12 LBS and is 23 1/2 inches long. She is cooing and smiling. She is such a cute girl. We are glad to have her in our family.