Monday, February 13, 2012

Guess What I am Doing During My Spring Break!?!

For Spring Break this year I have decided that instead of going on a vacation by myself.....I am......YOu probably already guessed (haha just kidding)..... getting my left eyelid redone. Doesn't that sound like lots of fun??? I am actually kinda excited about it. I am hoping that once the surgery is done, my left eyelid will match my right eyelid. I am tired of looking like I am blinking in all of my pictures. I am tired of feeling like people are staring at my droopy lid. Hopefully this surgery will give me a self esteem boost.
I guess it is better then getting a boob job.

Friday, February 10, 2012


I always have told Cory that child birth is very painful and he would never ever know what it is to push out a kid.
That being said, this past week poor Cory has had shingles. I have always heard it can be painful but until you see a loved one go through it it is hard to imagine. The poor thing thought he had a pinched nerve and just said he would suck it up. On Wednesday night, he was getting ready for bed and felt something weird on his back. He came in and asked me to see what it was. To my horror it was a red blistery inflamed rash. Not only was it on his back, but it was also on his chest. Cory has been in so much pain that he can't get out of bed. He has even been groaning from pain in his sleep. I am hoping that he will recover soon. Shingles can last awhile. He said it is more painful then when he broke his collar bone.
This experience has also made me grateful that I am not a single mom. It is hard taking care of 2 small kids day in and day out without any help or anytime to take a small break.