Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Adventures of a Two Year Old

I must say that Elizabeth has been acting like a crazy woman this month. She decided that she was too big for the crib. We have gone in many a time and found her climbing out of the crib. It is actually kind of funny and annoying at the same time. We are at the point now where she sleeps in her toddler bed at night and her crib at nap time. My friend Michelle made us a large sleep sack to sleep in during naps. It has worked beautifully until today. She figured out how to take it off . It was even inside out. Ahhhhh.................... I walked in to find her naked in her crib. At least she hadn't peed or pooped yet.

She has also been very much a "little mommy" lately. She puts her stuffed animals to bed and decided to feed Elmo a tortilla today. I am proud of the things Elizabeth tries to do.

Monday, November 9, 2009


There were a few different titles I thought would be appropriate for this post. The first one being I guess I won't be losing 10 more pounds by Thanksgiving. Or my favorite one being..... I can't do anything on my own:That's why I like to copy Bart and Shelley.
It comes down to this. Cory and I are expecting again. What a surprise for us. I am only 8 weeks along (according to the ultrasound). I was thinking I was further along since I have been sick for at least a month. It is going to be a long 9 months (really 10 months).
I have been nauseous,constipated and really tired. I am excited though. Now I just hope I can get over this horrible cold that I have.