Sunday, April 18, 2010

Elizabeth Is Three!

I can't believe my little girl is three. She is no longer a baby. She is a big girl. Elizabeth cleaned up on gifts this year. She is one spoiled kid. Her favorite gifts so far is her tent,new baby doll and baby accessories (pack and play,baby carrier,bouncy seat). I hope she will enjoy the toys at least for a few days. Next year we will probably have a big party but we just had strawberry cake and ice cream as a family this year.
I am glad that we have such a sweet little girl in our family.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Weekend

Lame me forgot to bring my camera to Houston this weekend for Easter. So I will have to just tell ya'll about it.
We headed down to Houston Thursday night so that we could be at the hospital at 6AM for Elizabeth's MRI on Friday morning. Poor Elizabeth had to be sedated for it so we had to be there an hour and a half early. The MRI went fine. Elizabeth was beside herself when she woke up from anesthesia . I felt bad for her. The rest of the day we just took it easy. On Sunday we watched conference at my parents house and got to hang out with Richard and Maria. We also had a mini Easter egg hunt for Elizabeth. She really didn't get the concept of finding an egg and putting it in the basket. It was still fun to watch though.
On Monday I hung out with my sister and her kids. It is always fun to hang out and catch up.
On Tuesday we went to the eye doctor to have Elizabeth's eye looked at. Her right eye has been doing this weird rolling up thing. It has gotten really bad in a months time. The doctor wants Elizabeth to have surgery on it. I figured we would do the surgery in 2 weeks so that we can recover and everything before the new baby comes in June. We also got the MRI results back. She is clear of growths on her optic nerves and brain (children with Neurofibromatosis 1 can sometime develop growths anywhere on their bodies). So that is a sigh of relief. The MRI did show that she has a cyst in her brain. Some people have cysts in their brains and it is no big deal. But this cyst is larger than normal so we are going to hopefully have a consult with a Neurosurgeon.
I am so ready to be over all of these issues with Elizabeth. She was officially diagnosed a few weeks ago with a sensory disorder and I had come to grips with that but now with the surgery and everything else. It is a lot for a child to go through.
Anyways I will keep everyone posted on the outcome.