Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sneaky KId

So the other day I was in the other room and I realized it had gotten suspiciously quiet in the house. Which means only one thing.....Elizabeth has gotten into something. I went out and low and behold she had ripped off some of the fake wood paper off of the entertainment center. I looked high and low for the ripped off paper. A while later I was picking up some trash and when I went to the trash can there it was. That little sneaky kid thought she could hide it by putting it in the trash. I couldn't help but to laugh. Never a dull moment in the Anderson house hold.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Me being a Worry Wart

Once again I am up at 2 AM stressing!!!! I know it is completely out of my control but I am nervous that this kid in my belly will not turn. I went to the hospital the other day due to not feeling any movement all day and everything was fine. I was informed that the baby was lying transverse though. They said they can do a version (trying to manually move the baby by external manipulation On your stomach). But I have heard that it is really painful. Plus there is only a 58 percent chance that it would work. If it doesn't work or my midwife decides I am not a good candidate then I would have to have a C-Section. This scares me beyond belief. It isn't that am that scared of the C- Section itself rather I am worried about trying to heal afterwords. We live on the 3rd floor and I can't even imagine climbing up the 3 flights of stairs. Then I am concerned that I will have to take care of this new baby and Elizabeth by myself. Elizabeth still requires me to carry her around and hold her a lot. Ahhhhhh.....It just stresses me out. Anyways, I just have to hope that this baby will turn on it's own. It would make me very very happy and relieve a bunch of stress.