Thursday, July 29, 2010

I Need More Patience.

I am trying to figure out what I am supposed to be learning from this. Elizabeth has been giving me so much grief. I try to be patient but after 5 plus hours of non stop screaming it is really hard to keep my cool. The only time she isn't screaming is if she is being held. That would be fine I guess but I have to feed and hold Sarah to. I just want her to be happy. It is sad that she is so discontent with her life. I keep thinking that one day she will wake up and and everything will be better but It doesn't. She isn't talking and has some severe behavioral issues. The Occupational Therapist says they could label her as having autism but once you label a child as having autism it is hard to get it removed if later on she is fine. I know she has sensory disorders (which is on the autism spectrum). She understands what we say to her and she follows directions but the talking is non existent. It is hard to see kids the same age as Elizabeth talking and acting the way a 3 year old is supposed to act. It makes me sad. I don't know. I am trying to love her anyway. Sorry for going on about it but this is my life.


  1. I feel your frustration. Obviously mine is with the 3 month old, not the three year old, but I definitely understand. If she gets diagnosed with Autism, aren't there a lot of programs she could be enrolled in? I know in some school districts, they are required to provide programs, even before kids enter school. Either way, I think you are amazing with Elizabeth!

  2. Leah, don't be so hard on yourself. You are doing as well as can be expected. I think you are a great mother who's doing all she can. Careful about praying for patience, cuz the way we receive it is through trials and tough experiences, so in reality, you're praying for trials and tough experiences. :) But that's the only way to grow. Just don't be afraid to ask for help! And plan for time for yourself to decompress and relax.
