Monday, September 13, 2010

You Go Girl!

I just want to say that I am finally at a point where I feel like Elizabeth is getting what she needs educationally. She loves school and is always excited to go. She has an awesome teacher. She has also been going to speech 3 times a week. Her therapist told me that she said "brown bear" today. She told me "go bye" today to. I know that it might not seem like a big deal but up to now she has not said any 2 word phrases. She also has been picking out her own clothes and knows how to dress herself. She some times changes several times a day (this equals more laundry for me :) ). I am hoping that we are only going to go forward with her progress from this point forward . Yay for Elizabeth!


  1. That's awesome!!! What a bright girl. She has an awesome Mom who knows how to get the best for her daughter. Good job, Leah!!! Keep up all the hard work Elizabeth!!!

  2. YEAH!!!!!! I am so excited for her. Can't wait to hear that she says "I Love you," that is the best. Keep on the good work.

  3. Hooray! I'm so glad school is going well. You're such a good mom for fighting so hard to get her in.
