Monday, May 30, 2011

The Month of May

This month has been super crazy.
For starters we moved to a bigger apartment. SO we have been up to our eyeballs unpacking boxes. It has been really nice having that extra bedroom. It has also been nice not having to hike up all those stairs (I don't miss it one bit).

I have been sick for most the month first it was Strep Throat and then Tonsillitis. I am hoping for a healthier June.I really do dislike being so sick.

The biggest thing this month has been me going back to school I signed up for a Maymester Political Science class. This class has really taught me how to study again.
The class is almost over and I am striving for an A (I guess a B would be okay though). I barely have time to breathe though because I start Summer one classes next Monday. I am taking both of my American History classes since they did not transfer from Snow College. I am hoping to get an A in both classes being that I LOVE American History ( It would also be sad if I did poorly being that I am a History major).

Everyone else has also been keeping busy. Cory is still working at WalMart. He finally got full time hours (it does stink though because he is gone from 1-10 Sunday through Thursday). Elizabeth is continually keeping us on our toes. She never seems to run out of energy. I am grateful that she will be in full day special ed/pre-K next year. Sarah has been crawling as well as pulling up. She just cut her two front teeth.

1 comment:

  1. That's great that Elizabeth will be in full day pre-k next year, I'm jealous. Good luck with school for you too!
