Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Sometimes I wonder.....To give ya'll a little background.... Elizabeth's teacher and I have a notebook that we write in daily to communicate back and forth.
The note I am sending to school tomorrow is as follows.....

I just wanted to give you a heads up that ELizabeth's hair might smell of poop. She decided to take off a poopy diaper and wipe it in her hair. I have washed her hair 3 times and it still stinks. I am sorry in advance for the smell.


  1. HAAHAHAAHAHAAA! HAAAHAHAA! I know shouldn't laugh but that is REALLY funny! I have tears! HAAAHAAA! It's a good thing there's school tomorrow!

  2. Oh wow! You should keep this notebook so you can show it to Elizabeth when she's older. Jackson rubs poop in his hair too, so you are not alone. I cleaned it out of his ears once, so you definitively have my sympathy.
