Monday, December 5, 2011

It is Up to Me to decide!

So I have decided that only I can make my life happier. I kept wishing for bigger and better things to come along but then they wouldn't and I would get depressed and have a pity party. I would say things like why me and if only and my life stinks. What I found was the worse I felt, the worse I got depressed. It was a downword spiral. I didn't even want to be me anymore.

SO I have been trying this new thing for the past week and a half. It is called focus on the positive and find joy in life. It is a funny thing. When I made it up in my mind to do this, I found not only that I was happier but my family seemed happier too.
My problems and challenges haven't gotten any better, but my attitude has. I feel like my old self is starting to emerge. I must say I have missed it.
Every night before Cory and I go to bed we each list 5 things we are thankful for. Some nights I am tired and don't want to do it but it helps me to realize how much I am thankful for the things I have. My favorite so far is, I am thankful for the washing machine. Could you imagine not having one.


  1. I have a habit of doing the same thing. And you are right, life without a washing machine would definitely be harder!

  2. Keep up with the positive thinking. I need to do that too. I wish that we lived closer to you so that we could spend time together.

  3. Toilets and diapers! It's better than going out digging a hole and doing your business.

    When I fall into the grumpy, whoa is me mom mode, sometimes after I've humbled myself a little I watch the Mormon videos. I end up bawling my eyes out then playing with my kids for an hour.

    You're a great Mom!!!
