Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hola! There is a Crafty Chick In The House

So ya'll I actually completed a craft project. I had to do a "How To" manual for my Technical Writing class and decided to make a fabric headboard for the project. I must say that it turned out decently. I am seriously craft challenged so I am proud of my work of art.

Friday, March 9, 2012


I have been doing a lot of You Tubing (is that an accurate thing to call it when looking on you tube)these past few days and stumbled upon this amazing music video sung by Nicole Sheahan. She is super talented and I totally want to by her CD off of I Tunes.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I need to shake this feeling Off!

I hate to admit it and I am embarrassed to say it, but I too often compare myself to others. I wish I could have a life like this or that person. Or a clean house like that person. Or good crafting skills like that person over there. Or a perfect body after having multiple children like this other person.
Well ladies and gentlemen, I feel like a loser today. I wish it weren't that way.
I totally know who is putting these feelings of inadequacy in my head. Quite frankly, I want to tell him to leave me alone. Dangit!
I am not a loser. I am important! My life may not be perfect but I am doing as best as I can.
I am Beautiful and Special to Heavenly Father. I found this song in my loser moment today and wanted to share this because it helped me feel better.