Monday, April 27, 2009

The Biggest Loser

So my family (Dad,mom,Heather,Bart, Richard and Myself) has decided to start a weight loss competition. We are all putting in 25 dollars each and whoever loses the most weight gets all the money. I could totally use 125 dollars. If I play the game right ( eat well and exercise) then there should not be a problem winning.
The competition is fierce though......
* My dad is a crazy man when it comes to running. He can run 10 miles it seems an hour. He once lost so much weight that people thought he was sick.
*My mom has lost weight many a time and I feel can do it again.
*Heather has already lost a bunch of weight and is really good about going to the YMCA and working out every day. She is also really good about watching what she eats.
*Bart has lost weight and win I might add a "Biggest Loser" competition before.
*Lastly there is Richard. This kid doesn't know the meaning of failure. He has to win at any cost. If you have ever played a board game then you know what I am talking about.

So wish me luck!!! I have so far today been eating healthy. I need to start exercising though. I will keep everyone posted on my progress.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Elizabeth Turns Two!

Elizabeth's hat addiction...She loves them

Elizabeth turned two this past Saturday. I cannot believe how old she is. For her birthday we had strawberry cupcakes, pened presents and went to her (Cory and I's also) favorite Tex-Mex resturant Pasado's. She got way too many presents for her birthday. She got an Elmo Live, A cool slide, a play vacuum a cute blanket from her grandma Anderson and a nice dress from Grandma Smith.
We are very thankful that she is in our lives.She is such a handful though. Elizabeth likes puzzles, looking at books and eating. She is really into wearing hats and her stuffed animal Curious George.
Hello everyone,
My husband has been harassing me to create a blog......So I have decided to go for it. I cannot guarantee that this blog will be interesting. We will have to see. I hope ya'll enjoy!!