Thursday, April 23, 2009

Elizabeth Turns Two!

Elizabeth's hat addiction...She loves them

Elizabeth turned two this past Saturday. I cannot believe how old she is. For her birthday we had strawberry cupcakes, pened presents and went to her (Cory and I's also) favorite Tex-Mex resturant Pasado's. She got way too many presents for her birthday. She got an Elmo Live, A cool slide, a play vacuum a cute blanket from her grandma Anderson and a nice dress from Grandma Smith.
We are very thankful that she is in our lives.She is such a handful though. Elizabeth likes puzzles, looking at books and eating. She is really into wearing hats and her stuffed animal Curious George.


  1. i just love you guys. Im glad you finally got a blog.

  2. Grandma Anderson wants you all to know that I Love You all and thanks for being you!!!!

  3. I'm glad you guys have a blog! Elizabeth looks adorable, I love the b-day cake picture.

  4. Happy belated birthday to Elizabeth! Has she hit the terrible twos yet? Maddie has been ratcheting it up a notch the past couple of days. Good luck!

  5. I'm so glad you have given into blog pressure. I will be fun to keep tabs with your family. Happy Birthday Elizabeth!!!

  6. Wow! She's 2 already? Wow. Wait...she's 2 and already has a favorite Tex-Mex place? Only in Texas!!
