Thursday, June 25, 2009

6 Inches Shorter and 40 Dollars Poorer!!

I finally took the plunge and cut 6 inches of hair off my head. I was tired of the tangles and time it took to get all the knots out of my hair. I was needing a change. Here are some before and after pictures.....



Friday, June 12, 2009

Update on "The Biggest Loser" competition.

Soooo we are I believe six weeks into our family biggest loser competition. Here are the current standings...

I am in first place (I can smell two hundred dollars coming my way shortly)---I have as of this morning lost 20 lbs.
Bart is in second place...I believe he has lost 10 lbs.
My Dad has lost 6 or 7 pounds (He and my mom went on a cruise sooo I am not sure if he is still at that number on his weight loss)
Heather has lost 5 lbs. She has been working hard to go to the Gym and eating right sooo she can still be a contender.
My mom is trying still. I think she has lost 1 0r 2 lbs.
Richard has gained a pound... I laugh about this because he keeps talking a lot of trash. He has no excuse. They have a state of the art pool and gym at their Apt. complex.

I hope we can all continue to lead healthy lifestyles. I know I have to be healthier then I have been in the past. I hope to lose at least another 15-20lbs by the time the competition is over. I have been working out 4-5 times a week and really watching what I eat. I know I can be healthier and cuter by the end of the summer.

Monday, June 1, 2009

It is going to be a long summer!!!!

Today was our first "official" day this year that we have not had to watch Colton ( I had watched him August to Now from 7-3:30 -Monday through Friday). I was looking forward to a break but now I just wish he were still here. I must say that Elizabeth and I are already Bored to tears. I worked out and that was the highlight of my day. Unfortunately we live in a small town. There is not much to do here. There are only so many times you can go to Wal- Mart each week. Elizabeth and I have read every book we own at least 5 times and done all her puzzles multiple times. Elizabeth has been getting into everything. I catch her frequently going through the pantry and on the computer. She even figured out how to climb up the changing table. She is one brave girl. I think she is needing more excitement too.

If it is quiet in the house I can guarantee that Elizabeth is on the computer.

I am even jealous that my husband gets to go to work everyday. I have thought about getting a part time job but then I would have to worry about finding a babysitter for Elizabeth. Plus she is sick enough as it is, so putting her in that environment would make matters worse. I am just wondering if anyone has any suggestions for making life bearable at home all day with a two year old. I might go insane!!!! HELP