Saturday, October 24, 2009

Good Times with two 2 year olds

This past week my niece Maddie came to visit us. She was here for a whole week. For the most part having an extra 2 year old around the house was fun. We did have biting and hitting issues though. That is pretty typical for that age.
It was cool to see the girls get along and get to know one another. We live far enough away that we don't get a lot of time to hang out with Maddie or any of her cousins. I enjoyed getting to know Maddie better. She has a sweet personality.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Elizabeth Is in Love with Barney.

Elizabeth loves Barney. She watches the show every day and we own 5 Barney videos. We even have a Stuffed Barney (my nice sister let us borrow him). Well today we were watching Barney and Elizabeth was dancing and such and having a good time. Well BJ (one of Barney's friends) was riding a scooter too fast and he fell down. Elizabeth got really concerned and went up to the screen. When she saw that BJ was fine she kissed him. She really kissed the TV screen though. It was sooooooo cute. She makes this cute muahhhh sound. She hardly kisses her mom and dad but I guess Barney, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff are another story. She is such a funny kid.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I AM Grateful for such a great family.

I must say that I am one lucky girl. I have a wonderful family both immediate and extended.
I don't think they realize how much they mean to me.
First off I love my husband Cory and my daughter Elizabeth. My husband really works hard for our family. The poor guy works full time and is taking 3 classes. When he comes home he helps around the house. He is also a good dad to Elizabeth. Elizabeth is my sweet little girl. She is not my baby anymore. She is finally saying a few words and that is just the best. My child is progressing.
I am thankful that Heavenly Father gave me a good family to be in. We have our challenges but we make it work.
Sorry for the low quality picture. Our scanner is broken. This is a picture of a picture