Monday, October 12, 2009

Elizabeth Is in Love with Barney.

Elizabeth loves Barney. She watches the show every day and we own 5 Barney videos. We even have a Stuffed Barney (my nice sister let us borrow him). Well today we were watching Barney and Elizabeth was dancing and such and having a good time. Well BJ (one of Barney's friends) was riding a scooter too fast and he fell down. Elizabeth got really concerned and went up to the screen. When she saw that BJ was fine she kissed him. She really kissed the TV screen though. It was sooooooo cute. She makes this cute muahhhh sound. She hardly kisses her mom and dad but I guess Barney, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff are another story. She is such a funny kid.



  1. You should dress up as Barney for Halloween! Then you'd get tons of loves. :)

  2. Go ahead and keep the Barney toy. It sounds like Elizabeth needs him more then we do.
