Tuesday, January 12, 2010


We have been busy this last month. First of all Cory graduated with his Bachelor's of Science in Agribusiness. He refused to walk across the stage so we have no pictures. He is now looking for a real job. The real work begins now.
Then for Christmas we went to my families house. We had a nice Christmas with family. Then that weekend Cory and I went on our first overnight excursion since Elizabeth was born. It was nice to celebrate our 6th anniversary together (alone).
This month we have been busy getting the housework caught up on. It is never ending.
Last weekend we had to go back to Houston for Elizabeth's eye doctors appointment. The poor girl is in for at least 2 eye surgeries in the next year or two. Hopefully Cory can get a good job with good health insurance.
I have kept just trying to keep on moving along with this pregnancy. I am feeling better and am already starting to show. I really don't think I showed this early with Elizabeth. I am truly scared of how big I am going to be when I am 9 months along. We are going for our next ultrasound next Monday and we may even find out the sex of the baby. YAY!

Random Scary Pictures from the last month:

Elizabeth posing with grandpa Smith. Grandpa Looks a little scary.

Our family as gingerbread men.

Blackmail picture of Elizabeth eating mac and cheese


  1. I love the pic of the gingerbread family. Too cute with the baby in your tummy.

  2. I hope Cory can find a job soon, I know the process can be really frustrating. Good luck with it!

  3. I love love love the gingerbread momma, super cute!!! Good luck finding a job. The Lord knows were you need to end up... I think you should move up here by me :)
