Thursday, January 28, 2010

Something on my Mind.....

So I went to book club tonight and left feeling so frustrated. I am not even sure if I ever want to go back. There was a book picked and people had very differing opinions on the book. The discussion got really tense and people left upset. It is a church affiliated book club for heavens sake. I feel really dumb now to because anytime I opened my mouth to make a comment it didn't come out right. I feel so uneducated. Maybe I need to research things before I open my mouth. Maybe I am in mommy land too much and have lost my ability to communicate with the outside world. I used to feel like I could communicate more effectively. The one time I get to get out by myself in a month and I walk away feeling horrible. I should and probably will stay home in the future. Anyways sorry to be so blahhhhh....

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, cuz staying home will make you better at communicating...(note the sarcasm?) Book clubs can be weird, especially when some kind of "hot topic" is introduced into the mix, but you participated, that's a good thing. You are a participator Leah, not one that sits on the sidelines. So you couldn't voice your opinion perfectly? So what? You tried. Maybe next time look up the book online and read some reviews and people's comments so you can get a sense of what other people thought about it. But keep trying! Don't give up, you're not that kind of person!
