Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I was Deceived

Cory is on my hit list.
Tonight we were invited to one of our friends houses for dinner. I asked Cory if he knew what was for dinner before hand. He told me roast and potatoes. It is not my favorite meal but I will still eat it. So we get there and start to eat. As I am eating, the husband asks me if I liked it. I was like "sure". Cory kept laughing and smiling. Finally I was like this is pretty good roast. Our friend said "what, this isn't roast". I was like then what is it. Then he said it was deer meat. I am very disgruntled. Cory knew the whole time and had even told our friends not to tell me. I have never had deer meat before. It wasn't as bad as I thought but I was tricked. I can't believe he would do that to the mother of his children. He better watch his back.

Disney Walt - Bambi

Monday, March 1, 2010

Crazy Rants of a Pregnant Woman

Okay seriously....I am soooo ready to move out of this apartment complex. I walk up the stairs (all three flights) today to find a mangie nasty stray cat that has been pooping and peeing all over the place eating my neighbors trash. I might add he is missing half his tail and looks diseased. There are two problems with this. One being that I really don't like smelling cat pee as I am walking up the stairs. The second being that I really don't like having to look at trash strung all over the place. The other day I walked out my door to find a chicken bone on my rug.I called the complex to complain yet again and they act like it is my problem. I guess it wouldn't bother me as much if I were blind or closed my eyes every time I walked out my front door. Ughhhhhhhh......I feel like I am the only one who takes pride in a clean area.
Anyways, that is all for today.