Monday, March 1, 2010

Crazy Rants of a Pregnant Woman

Okay seriously....I am soooo ready to move out of this apartment complex. I walk up the stairs (all three flights) today to find a mangie nasty stray cat that has been pooping and peeing all over the place eating my neighbors trash. I might add he is missing half his tail and looks diseased. There are two problems with this. One being that I really don't like smelling cat pee as I am walking up the stairs. The second being that I really don't like having to look at trash strung all over the place. The other day I walked out my door to find a chicken bone on my rug.I called the complex to complain yet again and they act like it is my problem. I guess it wouldn't bother me as much if I were blind or closed my eyes every time I walked out my front door. Ughhhhhhhh......I feel like I am the only one who takes pride in a clean area.
Anyways, that is all for today.


  1. I feel your pain. We have different situation but at our condo we deal with inconsiderate neighbors and neighbors guests. I feel like I do my part and more to keep the place looking nice but none of the others do the same. I get pissy most of the time. We are working on selling our place to get a larger place and hope the next place is better. I hope that your situation could change soon or that we were neighbors. Hugs and loves. The Camacho's

  2. That's it?!? I really wanted to hear more! It makes my little apartment feel super awesome. We over here deal with a stupid HOA. However I won't bore you with such stress and stupidity. You can alway accidentally kill the cat one can't really kill a stupid HOA committee for being dumb... HAVE A FABULOUS WEEK!!!!!

  3. Ugh, I know what you mean, our last apartment was like that and the management didn't care at all. It's really frustrating when you manage to keep your place clean, but others don't seem to do the same.

  4. That is a pain. You'd think the cat would like to live in the grass not on the 3rd floor. You could see if it is your neighbors cat and if it is not you could have the pound pick it up. As horrible as a pound is, at least they get fed and taken care of at least a little there. Hopefully Cory will get a good job and things will improve for your guys soon. The Lord knows your needs and will make sure you get what you need when you need it. I am impressed you can still walk the 3 floors. That thought makes me tired and I am not even pregnant!! :) Hang in there girl. At least your not having to deal with your windows being shot out on you. :) Have a better week!
