Monday, September 24, 2012

Bad Blogger In the House!

I really have fallen off the blog wagon....I know I need to do better but I feel like I live a much less exciting life as others do. Well lets catch everyone up to speed on my families awesomeness....

I started classes again at the end of  August. I am taking Public Speaking, Abnormal Psychology, General Biology and Sociology. I am slowley trudging along with getting the classes I need to be admitted into the Social Work program.
I am also keeping busy picking my girls up from school and running them to speech and occupational therapy every day. I feel like a taxi cab most days. In my spare time I have been trying to catch up on sleep. I also got bangs about a month ago and I love them so much.
 I have also been trying to focus on the positive in my life. It helps to not get frazzeled and stressed over everything.

Elizabeth is in kindergarten this year. She is doing so good. He new ADHD medicine has done wonders. She is currently working on learning how to write the alphabet. She knows how to write her name. Elizabeth has aso been doing awesome on caring about Sarah. Elizabeths curent obssesion is watching anything with Minnie Mouse or Olivia in it. She is turning into such a sweet kid.

Sarah recently started Early Headstart. She has really been doing well in it. All the little boys love  Sarah. She will difinitly be a heartbreaker someday. She is starting to communicate with us which is helpful. We just bought her a big girl bed and I am hoping she will be excited to sleep in it.

Cory is keeping busy still working at Wal Mart and taking up some of the household chores.


  1. I'm so glad Elizabeth likes kindergarten, that's awesome that she can write her name. I really don't know how you keep up with school and kids at the same time, you're amazing!

  2. I want a picture of the new hair do! Bangs rock it! I'm glad to hear your girls are doing awesome! Because your awesome!
