Monday, May 25, 2009

Richard and Maria Get Hitched!!!

On May 23rd at 12 o'clock Maria and Richard were sealed in the Houston Texas Temple. It was an awesome wedding. I was very grateful that Cory and I were able to join in with my whole family. It was neat to have all the adults in the Smith family together in the temple. Maria looked stunning in her dress. Richard looked really sharp in his tux! They are one cute married couple.
Picture of my siblings Maria and me.

The girls Love Grandma. Poor Grandma!

Maria and Richard Cutting the cake.

Friday, May 15, 2009

My Sweet Elizabeth

We love our sweet daughter Elizabeth. Since birth we have had our up's and downs with her health. Like any child I'm sure. Anyways.... I am worried about her. She is getting tubes in her ears for the second time this coming Tuesday. I am just sad for her. I know Heavenly Father loves her and knows what he is doing but I am just concerned. My heart aches for her. Well after we get the tubes put back in then we can have her hearing rechecked. She is right on par with her playing and being able to do puzzles and such. Her talking on the other hand is almost non- existant. I guess it is just hard when all the other kids her age are talking. I know at some point she will start to talk. I just want everything now. I am so impatient. I wonder sometimes why Elizabeth has been given these challenges. I get down on myself and wonder whar I ahve done wrong as a mother. Then I have to take a step back and say, at least I have Elizabeth. I am grateful for her in our family. I wanted to have a child so bad and at least I have her. No one has a perfect kid. Well I am grateful for her. I just need to hold out hope. It will get better. I have to believe that some day soon I will wish she would just stop talking. Wish us luck. I will keep everyone posted.

Friday, May 8, 2009

I am Obsessed!!!

Alright everyone. I have officially lost it. I stayed up til 2:30 AM this morning to get a $60 off of a $100.00 dollar purchase at Old Navy. My sister and I have been obsessed (mainly me of course) with getting good coupons from SO this is how it works. They only release coupons at random times. Well I got a tip today from (shout out!!!) that they would be releasing new coupons sometime tonight. I started stalking and refreshing the old navy website at around 9 pm. I waited and waited. At 2 o'clock I had had enough. I went and laid down. Well the computer screen was keeping me awake so I went to turn the computer off when I noticed that I had forgotten to close down one of the tabs. So I clicked on the tab. The screen read new coupons are loading. Check back very soon. I waited a few minutes more and there it was. The coupons are totally random in the site themselves. I was looking for the 60 off coupon when I saw a Dolphin in the back round of one of the scenes. Anyways... I clicked on it and got a 45.00 off 100 dollar purchase. Not bad huh. I opened up another screen at the same time so I could get a coupon for my sister. I then saw a sea gull flying across the screen. I clicked and clicked. Nothing happened!!! Anyways.. I found out after the 60 dollar coupon was gone that you had to take shorts out of the bird ( which is flying across the screen mind you) and put them on the second girl in the picture. Who would even think to do that. Anyways. I am sorry to brag but I am all about the deals. It is like a drug to me. I am sooooooo excited that I cannot sleep and it is almost 4 am. I have to get up in 3 hours. Craziness!!! Sorry for the randomness of this post.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cory's Birthday Cake

Cory's birthday is today!!! He turned the mature age of 28. I wanted to make it extra special by making him an Oreo ice cream cake. Simple enough right. Well I was wrong in this assumption. I bought Devils food cake mix and Blue bell ice cream. Got my easy recipe off line and thought I was ready to go. I went ot making the first cake and everything went well and then the cake decided to roll out of the pan..oops
Needless to say I ended up spending who knows how long making and then making yet another cake. Here are the results....

This was how it looked on the first try.

This is the final product.....

This is a front view. Not bad for my first ice cream cake. I hope it tastes good. At least now I know how to make an ice cream cake.