Friday, May 15, 2009

My Sweet Elizabeth

We love our sweet daughter Elizabeth. Since birth we have had our up's and downs with her health. Like any child I'm sure. Anyways.... I am worried about her. She is getting tubes in her ears for the second time this coming Tuesday. I am just sad for her. I know Heavenly Father loves her and knows what he is doing but I am just concerned. My heart aches for her. Well after we get the tubes put back in then we can have her hearing rechecked. She is right on par with her playing and being able to do puzzles and such. Her talking on the other hand is almost non- existant. I guess it is just hard when all the other kids her age are talking. I know at some point she will start to talk. I just want everything now. I am so impatient. I wonder sometimes why Elizabeth has been given these challenges. I get down on myself and wonder whar I ahve done wrong as a mother. Then I have to take a step back and say, at least I have Elizabeth. I am grateful for her in our family. I wanted to have a child so bad and at least I have her. No one has a perfect kid. Well I am grateful for her. I just need to hold out hope. It will get better. I have to believe that some day soon I will wish she would just stop talking. Wish us luck. I will keep everyone posted.


  1. Poor Elizabeth, I can't believe she has to get tubes again. I'm sure it is really frusterating about her talking, but don't worry, my sister didn't say a word until she was 3 and then talked in full sentences right away. She just had to talk on her terms, and I bet Elizabeth is the same way. We can't wait to see you guys next week, Maddie has asked me several times for Leia and 'beth.

  2. We'll keep her in our prayers. How goes the biggest loser these days?

  3. When Matthew and Ashleigh were that age, Ashleigh was better at talking (Big words too!) and Matthew either talked gibberish or just pointed. Then one day, out of the blue he started talking. It would be one word here or there but it would make sense.
    Joshua, had trouble passing his hearing test on the right ear. Chris and I discussed what were would do if he did have hearing problems. We decided that if that would be the case we would all learn sign language so he could have the best of both worlds.
    Also, take the example of you Aunt Patrea. She has Jared and she is a great mom, and I know that there are days she questions her abilities as a mom and what she may have done to bring on this challange with him. But she is blessed in so many ways because of the way Jared is.
    Know that your child's doctor know best and if he feels that there is some delays then he will direct you on what you should do. Take comfort that Heavenly Father has given the medical profession skills that will help both you and her.
    We will keep your family in our thoughts and prayers that you will get the direction and comfort that you need.
    We do love you and wish that we could be there with you.
