Friday, May 8, 2009

I am Obsessed!!!

Alright everyone. I have officially lost it. I stayed up til 2:30 AM this morning to get a $60 off of a $100.00 dollar purchase at Old Navy. My sister and I have been obsessed (mainly me of course) with getting good coupons from SO this is how it works. They only release coupons at random times. Well I got a tip today from (shout out!!!) that they would be releasing new coupons sometime tonight. I started stalking and refreshing the old navy website at around 9 pm. I waited and waited. At 2 o'clock I had had enough. I went and laid down. Well the computer screen was keeping me awake so I went to turn the computer off when I noticed that I had forgotten to close down one of the tabs. So I clicked on the tab. The screen read new coupons are loading. Check back very soon. I waited a few minutes more and there it was. The coupons are totally random in the site themselves. I was looking for the 60 off coupon when I saw a Dolphin in the back round of one of the scenes. Anyways... I clicked on it and got a 45.00 off 100 dollar purchase. Not bad huh. I opened up another screen at the same time so I could get a coupon for my sister. I then saw a sea gull flying across the screen. I clicked and clicked. Nothing happened!!! Anyways.. I found out after the 60 dollar coupon was gone that you had to take shorts out of the bird ( which is flying across the screen mind you) and put them on the second girl in the picture. Who would even think to do that. Anyways. I am sorry to brag but I am all about the deals. It is like a drug to me. I am sooooooo excited that I cannot sleep and it is almost 4 am. I have to get up in 3 hours. Craziness!!! Sorry for the randomness of this post.

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