Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Obsession With "Reality" TV

I have turned into a TV zombie....... I no longer have set sitcoms that I watch. Instead my good old "ER" (wipe a tear) has been replaced with my new favorites like the Bachelorette, America's Got Talent and all these other stupid basic cable "reality" shows (Sixteen and Pregnant....need I say more.........Big time lame) I feel like they are such a waste of time but yet I still watch them. Poor Cory is about ready to go crazy with my "reality" show obsession. I know these shows are really not real but I just keep watching. Sigh...... I really need to pick up a good book or get a meaningful hobby. I am soooo sorry this post is so boring.I think I need to get some reality TV rehab.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Our New Computer!!!

So yet another unexpected but needed expense.....On Friday morning Cory, Elizabeth and I were sleeping in our beds when all of a sudden we were awoken by a loud bolt of lightning outside of our window. I am not sure how close it was but I guess Cory said he was awake and just laying in bed when he saw a flash of light outside of our bedroom window and then the load boom. So it was pretty scary and woke everyone up. I was still laying in bed when I started to smell a burning smell. I got up to investigate the smell. The smell was the strongest by the computer. Sure enough it was the computer. The computer had been on sleep mode and I guess the lighting fried the computer. It was hooked up to a surge protector but the surge protector failed to work. Needless to say.....We are have a new computer.
I really dislike making large purchases. It makes me nervous and super stressed. Cory and I only ever have bought a new bed, a washer and dryer and now a computer. I just get stressed with making large purchases. I am sure I will be a wreck when we buy our first house or a new car ( I mean we have bought used cars before but we have never had a car payment before). Anyways I am hoping this new computer will last 5 years or so.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Update On Elizabeth

Elizabeth is doing better these days. We had her eyes tested again earlier this month and the Eye Doctor said everything looked good. We were also able to get her tubes replaced again. It has made a world of difference. Elizabeth can actually hear now. She has even started attempting to say words like dog,fish,cheese,sit,hi,bye mom,dad,Barney and George (for Curious George). I am soooooo thrilled and happy.

We also finally got her hearing test done. I cannot believe that Elizabeth slept for 2 hours without drugs while hooked up to wires. I prayed the whole time while the test was going on. The Audiologist said that her hearing seems to be normal. We just have to stay on top of ear infections and make sure her tubes are working properly.

Last month at this time Elizabeth was not hearing not talking and we thought she might have growths on her optic nerves. Now she is doing better. I know we have a long road ahead of us with the talking and her Neurofibromotosis but things seem to be manageable now.

I am also grateful to my Heavenly Father that Elizabeth is doing better. I know that he answers prayers. I am also thankful for everyone's support and prayers. I know that without the support and prayers I would not be able to have been able to cope. I will keep everyone posted on Elizabeth's progress.