Saturday, August 29, 2009

Our Crazy Girl

Elizabeth cracks me up. She has really been a character lately. She has these crazy sun glasses that she loves to wear.

She has also been acting like she is ready to start potty training. She takes off her diaper several times a day. The other day she even took off her diaper and pooped on her slide. We have resorted to putting her in these granny training pants.. We have to also really watch her so that she doesn't get into the bathroom. She loves playing in the toilet. We did buy her a frog potty yesterday and she really seems like she likes it. She put her Curious George on it and said Pot. At least she realizes that the potty is for sitting on. The hard part will be actually getting her to use it. I hope that she will be potty trained before she is three. The joys of parenting. Elizabeth in her training pants.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Our Fun Trip to Houston

We went to Houston to see my family and hang out with my friend Kalia this past weekend. We were super busy to say the least. We got to my parents house late on Friday. On Saturday we got together with the Rowe family, Bart and Maddie and of course my parents. We had a lovely and Carb filled meal at Johnny Carino's.
Then we went to my parents community pool/mini water park. It was tons of fun. Elizabeth LOVED it. She is such a little fish. I could hardly keep up with her.
Then after the pool we dropped Elizabeth off at my parents house. They were soooooo great to watch her for us. We went to pick up my wonderful friend Kalia up from the airport. It was great to see her. We went to Chuy's (a Tex-Mex restaurant) restaurant and had some good laughs.
Then on Sunday I made steaks (Yummy) and then we went to church. After wards, we took Kalia to the airport so that she could go back to Boston. It was great having Kalia here to visit and to catch up.
We came back on Monday evening. It was nice to get away for a while from the same old same old. Now it is back to reality. I need to get refocused on my "healthy lifestyle changes" and stop eating so much meat and bread..... BLAH!..... I wish I would have taken pictures. Sorry there aren't any.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

4 Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed!

Elizabeth has been a little monkey lately. She likes to give me a run for my money. She thinks it is funny to get into everything.
She is in love with her Curious Georges'. Elizabeth likes to dress up her Georges'. Everyday George needs a shirt,a diaper and socks on.
The other day we put Elizabeth down for a nap. Well we thought she was asleep and all of a sudden we heard her screaming. Cory ran into her bedroom and she was throwing a fit because one of George's socks had fallen off. Cory put the sock back on George and Elizabeth was fine and went right to sleep after that. It was pretty ridiculous!These kids can be funny sometimes. We still love her though.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

If this is part of Getting Older then Count Me Out!

So Lately I have been forgetting things and getting confused about things that I shouldn't be getting confused about. I mean there is the occasional forgetting my phone or wallet or a persons name but lately it has been out of control.
So yesterday I sent out an email for playgroup giving people directions to my apartment. Well I sent off the email and went about my day. Well tonight I was sweeping off my front balcony and looked up at my front door. The thought occurred to me that I could not remember my apartment number. I lifted up the wreath that sits in front of the apartment number and saw that it was apartment number 335. For some reason I thought that we lived in apartment number314. Who knows where I came up with that number from.Then I thought ohhhh crud what did I write as the address on my email yesterday. I hurriedly ran to the computer and pulled up the old email. Sure enough I had put the wrong apartment number. I had to send out a correction email. I don't know what is wrong with my memory. Is this something that happens as we get older. I am only twenty five. I hope this isn't a continual memory issue.
I am also paranoid because for Book Club last month we read this book about a 50 year old lady who developed early onset Alzheimer's. I think I need to start doing memory exercises. I mean it is funny but disturbing at the same time.