Monday, August 17, 2009

Our Fun Trip to Houston

We went to Houston to see my family and hang out with my friend Kalia this past weekend. We were super busy to say the least. We got to my parents house late on Friday. On Saturday we got together with the Rowe family, Bart and Maddie and of course my parents. We had a lovely and Carb filled meal at Johnny Carino's.
Then we went to my parents community pool/mini water park. It was tons of fun. Elizabeth LOVED it. She is such a little fish. I could hardly keep up with her.
Then after the pool we dropped Elizabeth off at my parents house. They were soooooo great to watch her for us. We went to pick up my wonderful friend Kalia up from the airport. It was great to see her. We went to Chuy's (a Tex-Mex restaurant) restaurant and had some good laughs.
Then on Sunday I made steaks (Yummy) and then we went to church. After wards, we took Kalia to the airport so that she could go back to Boston. It was great having Kalia here to visit and to catch up.
We came back on Monday evening. It was nice to get away for a while from the same old same old. Now it is back to reality. I need to get refocused on my "healthy lifestyle changes" and stop eating so much meat and bread..... BLAH!..... I wish I would have taken pictures. Sorry there aren't any.

1 comment:

  1. I had a great time Leah! Thank you for everything. I'm glad I got to wear your mom's clothes and go to your parents' ward with you! Memorable! Chuy's was really good too...gotta love that cilantro. You are a supreme hostess. Thanks for a great few days!
