Saturday, August 29, 2009

Our Crazy Girl

Elizabeth cracks me up. She has really been a character lately. She has these crazy sun glasses that she loves to wear.

She has also been acting like she is ready to start potty training. She takes off her diaper several times a day. The other day she even took off her diaper and pooped on her slide. We have resorted to putting her in these granny training pants.. We have to also really watch her so that she doesn't get into the bathroom. She loves playing in the toilet. We did buy her a frog potty yesterday and she really seems like she likes it. She put her Curious George on it and said Pot. At least she realizes that the potty is for sitting on. The hard part will be actually getting her to use it. I hope that she will be potty trained before she is three. The joys of parenting. Elizabeth in her training pants.


  1. I love the sunglasses! Maddie has been taking her diaper off too, so we've been putting diaper covers on her at night. She's not so interested in the potty though. I was actually joking with Bart the other day that if we wanted Maddie potty trained, Elizabeth would probably have to do it first, since that was how we got Maddie to walk. Good luck!

  2. Love the hat and glasses. So stylish. And the training pants look familier. I guess Elizabeth and Katherine are bum sisters now.
