Wednesday, August 5, 2009

If this is part of Getting Older then Count Me Out!

So Lately I have been forgetting things and getting confused about things that I shouldn't be getting confused about. I mean there is the occasional forgetting my phone or wallet or a persons name but lately it has been out of control.
So yesterday I sent out an email for playgroup giving people directions to my apartment. Well I sent off the email and went about my day. Well tonight I was sweeping off my front balcony and looked up at my front door. The thought occurred to me that I could not remember my apartment number. I lifted up the wreath that sits in front of the apartment number and saw that it was apartment number 335. For some reason I thought that we lived in apartment number314. Who knows where I came up with that number from.Then I thought ohhhh crud what did I write as the address on my email yesterday. I hurriedly ran to the computer and pulled up the old email. Sure enough I had put the wrong apartment number. I had to send out a correction email. I don't know what is wrong with my memory. Is this something that happens as we get older. I am only twenty five. I hope this isn't a continual memory issue.
I am also paranoid because for Book Club last month we read this book about a 50 year old lady who developed early onset Alzheimer's. I think I need to start doing memory exercises. I mean it is funny but disturbing at the same time.


  1. I think you should have done an 'oops' face or something at least pointed to the door. At first I just thought you wanted to post a sexy photo of your self (which btw you're looking fabulous, keep up the hard work!) then I realized it was your apartment door, lol!!!

  2. I'm always forgetting stuff like that too. I've never forgotten my address, but I've forgotten my phone number. So you aren't alone!
