Friday, February 5, 2010

Things Are Really Not That Bad

So I have been sitting around for the last week feeling sorry for myself and not taking the time to think about all the wonderful things in my life. I am going to make a new commitment to be happy in the current situation that I am in. There are good things in my life.

I have a great husband who works hard at a job that isn't the best. Then he comes home and helps me around the house and with Elizabeth. He is a really good dad and puts up with my crazy pregnancy hormones.

I have a beautiful daughter that makes me laugh everyday. She has been giving the new baby kisses everyday (kissing my tummy). She is into taking care of her baby dolls. It is really cute.

I am grateful to live in a town where there a good programs that can help her with her speech. These programs are really hard to get into so I am grateful for that to.

I am grateful for the new little girl who is going to be here in our family in June. I have been feeling her kick the last few weeks and I have been enjoying that.

I am thankful for a roof over my head and a car that is running decently (knock on wood).

I am thankful for my mom dad and siblings who care about me to. My mom and sister call everyday and put up with my drama. I know it probably gets old but they still do it.

I am thankful to the friends who have stood by me and call or email me.

I am lastly thankful to a Heavenly Father who loves me.

I am used to getting what I want when I want it. I am spoiled I'll admit it. SO it has been an adjustment to deal with the challenges we all go through.I am trying to learn patience and that things are going to work out.

1 comment:

  1. I've been feeling the same way, it is really hard to think of our blessings sometimes (especially when you have pregnancy hormones messing things up). I'm glad Elizabeth is excited about her new sister!
