Friday, February 12, 2010

We Finally Got Snow

Cory and I didn't think it would actually happen.....But it did. We got lots of snow last night. I would say 5 inches or so. I think that might be a record for this part of Texas. It is pretty exciting. School was even canceled. I felt like we were back in Utah.
Cory sure had fun playing in the snow but it is too cold for me. We took Elizabeth out into it but she didn't quite understand it. Here are are some pictures of everything.


  1. You actually got real snow, not that lame stuff we've gotten the past few years, that's awesome! Elizabeth does look a little confuse, Maddie was the same way at first, but she eventually figured out that this was the snow she'd read about in books.

  2. This is actually Cory's Mother.
    this is the first week in two months that we didn't receive a heavy snow storm. Yet we did get a light storm. We like sharing especially this time of year. Love Cory, Leah, Elizabeth and the future one.
