Sunday, January 15, 2012

I need an Intervention

I was seriously starting to feel like a hoarder. A hoarder of kids clothing that is. Boxes upon boxes of girl clothes (every size), have been staring me in the face everywhere I look in this small apartment. Every closet had boxes stacked up. Not only that,the clothes were taking over my kitchen table and part of my dining room. I don't know how it got so bad (actually I do. It is called, every time a friend or well meaning family member said, hey do you want some hammy downs, I excitedly said "sure".) I put them in a storage container thinking I would get around to sorting them another time. Well that time never came around. Between being a mom/full time student, the clothes were last on my priority list.
I finally came to a breaking point this weekend. I couldn't take it anymore. My poor husband and I spent Saturday and part of Sunday sorting through all the containers. I finally feel like we have it in a contained situation. Some totes (o-12 month clothes), are going to my moms/Richard and Maria's house (when they get one this summer--and as far as I know if you are wondering,they are not pregnant). The other totes (18-7/8), are going into the outside storage.
I finally feel like I have my apartment back. Yayayayay...The moral of this story is, I am not going to buy/take anymore clothes for the time being. Even if they are for free or a really good deal.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Pity Party!

I need to throw a pity party for myself for a few minutes. So if you don't want to read then you might want to skip this blog post.
I really try to stay positive and try to make the best of being a mom of kids with special needs. Some days (most days), I end up feeling sad about my kids never growing up and having a normal live. Most people don't want to deal with me/my kids because they feel awkward or don't know what to say to me. I laugh at myself, because I really don't want them to say anything at all. I just sometimes might need a caring ear and understanding.
I laugh when moms say, oh it will get better or this faze will pass. I have been stuck in this same faze for 4 1/2 years!
My days consist of, running one child or the other to a therapy (or even 2 or 3 therapy's a day). Then I have to fight Elizabeth to eat,go to sleep,stay in the grocery cart etc.
It just doesn't seem fair ! What I would give to have my children tell me they love me or hug/kiss me and know what it means. What I would give to have a conversation with Elizabeth. Not an elaborate conversation or course but a I am hungry or I am sad or I need to poop. Or I want this or that. Instead she just whines all day. Anyways, I could go on and on.
Anyways, if you are still reading, I am sorry.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


It will be a year tomorrow since I lost my dear friend Kalia to cancer. I still miss her calls and friendship. I will catch myself thinking of Kalia when I watch certain movies or hear certain songs that we liked. Or when something exciting or funny happens I think of how Kalia would love to hear about it. She was always there to listen. She was always routing for me and always knew what to say to me to make things seem better. I am thankful for her influence in my life.