Sunday, January 15, 2012

I need an Intervention

I was seriously starting to feel like a hoarder. A hoarder of kids clothing that is. Boxes upon boxes of girl clothes (every size), have been staring me in the face everywhere I look in this small apartment. Every closet had boxes stacked up. Not only that,the clothes were taking over my kitchen table and part of my dining room. I don't know how it got so bad (actually I do. It is called, every time a friend or well meaning family member said, hey do you want some hammy downs, I excitedly said "sure".) I put them in a storage container thinking I would get around to sorting them another time. Well that time never came around. Between being a mom/full time student, the clothes were last on my priority list.
I finally came to a breaking point this weekend. I couldn't take it anymore. My poor husband and I spent Saturday and part of Sunday sorting through all the containers. I finally feel like we have it in a contained situation. Some totes (o-12 month clothes), are going to my moms/Richard and Maria's house (when they get one this summer--and as far as I know if you are wondering,they are not pregnant). The other totes (18-7/8), are going into the outside storage.
I finally feel like I have my apartment back. Yayayayay...The moral of this story is, I am not going to buy/take anymore clothes for the time being. Even if they are for free or a really good deal.

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