Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I Want My Old Self Back!

Okay so I know I had a baby 10 days ago but I want to feel like myself again. I can't seem to get it together. I am tired and feel blah. Even though I only have 5 pounds to lose I still feel fat. My face is broken out like the good old days when I was a teenager. A new pimple is appearing everyday. I want to wake up soon and be able to feel well again. I think it is partly due to the fact that I have been stuck in this apartment for almost 2 weeks and I have only ventured outside a handful of times.

On the plus side. Elizabeth and Sarah have been champs through all of this. Sarah is a good baby and Elizabeth has been doing a pretty good job of entertaining herself.I hope they will continue to be understanding and I can be a good mom again soon.


  1. Oh Leah, don't be so hard on yourself. You are a GREAT mother but just going through the adjustment of adding a second child to your routine. Do not sweat the small stuff. All of us second time moms go through this spout but one thing that makes the second time easier is that you know what works or does not work for you. Ask Cory to take you for a drive or to watch the girls while you window shop or even get your hair trimmed or take a walk around the block or even a bubble bath. By the time you get to you 6 week appointment you won't feel like this anymore. If you need someone to talk to you can always call me. We sure love you.

  2. Shhh, don't tell anyone but I started exercising around 4 maybe 5 weeks and did a little weight watchers on the side. Obviously start slow when your body tells you to stop, stop. But you know all that already :) Postpartum sucks a butt but you'll make it through. Ooo, have you painted everyones toenails yet? I know I'm weird but I loved painting Kay's toes when she was a newborn. Call any time!

  3. I know how you feel. Jackson is almost 3 months and I'm still not back to my old self yet (no sleep, keeping on the weight etc). I just keep trying to remind myself that eventually it will all get back in line.
    I'm jealous that you only have 5 lbs to lose, and after only 10 days! Hopefully once you're up and going again that will come off.

  4. I don't know exactly how you are feeling, but I do know that scheduling some YOU time is essential! Even if it is just a drive, or a bath with a good book...don't get too lost in the ruggamaroo! I love you and am always up for a chat!
