Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Things are Looking UP

I had my 37 week doctors appointment today. The baby has been transverse since 34 weeks. SO they sent me for an ultrasound. Well today when I went they said that the baby has decided to move down to the head down position. I am very excited about this. I hope this little girl continues to cooperate and stays down there. I am hoping that this pregnancy continues to go well and that she will be here sooner than later. My blood pressure has been fairly low this time around and I have gained about 30 pounds. I keep telling Cory that I don't know what it feels like to be pregnant this long. I had Elizabeth at 37 weeks. I feel huge and uncomfortable. I am fine with having this child in me for a few more weeks as long as she stays where she is supposed to be.


  1. Yay! I'm so glad she turned for you. I was actually thinking about you the other day, and how you'd had Elizabeth around this time.

  2. ~whew~ THanks for the good news! That's how I felt when I had Maggie because I had Vince at 36 weeks. and Mags came right on time...

  3. Oh man, good news. Cuz that would've been more stressful if she hadn't turned. You're gonna have a baby any day now! Have Cory call me, text me or facebook me when she comes. I'm excited for you! Do you already have a name in mind?
