Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sarah's Birth Story

I think this is going to be a long post. Anyways....
Cory and I were supposed to be at the hospital at 6 AM on Wednesday morning to have the external aversion done. We get there and get settled and the doctor comes in and does a quick ultrasound to check the position of the baby. She was like this is a big baby but we will see what we can do. She lubes up my stomach and another nurse gets on the other side and then the doctor starts to grab the the head and the baby's bottom by pushing on the top of my stomach. She pushed and pushed. I must say that it hurt really bad. Then she checks to see the position. The baby wasn't in the head down position yet. Then she tries again. Only this time she starts pushing even harder. I thought I was going to die. It was the most painful thing I think I had experienced thus far. I was about ready to scream and tell the doctor to stop and then when I had had enough they were like "we are finished". They had successfully turned the baby. Since the baby was in an unstable position they said that I was going to be induced for sure that day.
They started me on something to soften my cervix. It worked wonders and I started to have contractions every 2-3 minutes without any Pitocin.I had to wait for 6 hours before they could start that so Cory and I walked around the hospital. At 2 they started the Pitocin. I was dilated to a 2. The contractions started hurting really really badly. They gave me a shot of staydal to take the edge off. It really didn't seem to do a whole lot for the pain. Then at 4:30 I was dying from pain. I was like " I am ready for the epidural". I was at a 3 so they called the anesthesiologist. He was there by 5 and so they attempted to do the epidural. Let me just tell you that after the third attempt the anesthesiologist was like I am not going to keep poking you. I guess that I have a really narrow space in my spine and the fact that I was having horrific contractions was not helping. SO I was then informed that I would not be getting an epidural. At that point I lost it. I had a breakdown. My midwife came in and was like "You need to get it together". I wanted to kick her in the face. SO they gave me another dose of staydal. It did nothing but make me crazy out of my mind. Then a few minutes later my water broke. I was so out of it with pain and thought that I had peed. I kept apologizing to the nurse. I think she was really annoyed with me at this point. At seven I got a new nurse that was really nice. I suggested to her that maybe they could get another anesthesiologist to try again. SO the nurse and the midwife called in a favor and they agreed to try one more time. The anesthesiologist took forever to get there and by the time he got there it was after 9 PM. He comes in with attitude and says "I am giving this one shot". The whole time he was placing the epidural I was praying. He actually got it in. It was amazing. I finally had relief. I really really do not understand how people go through labor without an epidural. Anyways, I was able to relax and at 11:30 PM the midwife comes in to check me and I am at 9 CM. She then says the babies head and body were really high and they had to prop my uterus up with pillows. At 1 AM I start to feel pressure and they came in and I was ready to push. 45 minutes later we had a sweet new baby. The mid wife was shocked that Sarah was so large. Se told me that they would not have flipped the baby if they had known how large she was. I am glad they did though. After all the drama and all I must say that it was worth it. SO that is the story of how Sarah was born.


  1. THanks Leah! WOW!! I am so glad you got an epidural! Mine wore out with Mags and I thought I was going to DIE. I am so happy you and Sarah are healthy and happy! :)

  2. Holy crap! I'm thinking that I should have waited another 5 months to read this. I'm glad that everything ended up working out in the end. I, like Lindsey, am so glad that the epidural was able to work. Enjoy that cute girl of your's before she gets any bigger ;)

  3. I'm so glad you finally got the epidural. When Bart told me that they had tried and it hadn't worked I was so mad for you, what a terrible anesthesiologist. I'm with you, I have no idea how people go through labor without the epidural. I can't believe you had such a big baby naturally, but I'm glad she's here!
