Monday, June 14, 2010

Wednesday is the DAY

So Wednesday is hopefully going to be a great day for us. I am super nervous about how things are going to go down though. The baby was transverse and then it went into the right position and now she is back in the transverse position. It is very frustrating. I have come to terms with a possible C-Section. SO that is not what I am concerned about. I am just scared about the external version.
Cory and I are supposed to be at the hospital at 6AM on Wednesday. The doctor then has to do an ultrasound to see the babies position. Then if they think it is going to work they give me some medicine to relax my uterus. After that the doctor puts a ton of Lubrication on my stomach and then tries to turn the baby.

I am hoping that it will be a success. They will induce me on the spot if it works.

My poor niece Emma is upset that this kid could be born on her birthday. I feel bad but I really want a healthy kid and not to be pregnant any longer. I will let everyone know how it goes. Wish us luck!


  1. That is funny that you could possibly have a baby on your neices birthday. I had Joshua on my nieces first birthday, and I did not plan it either. Good luck on Wed. Hope all goes well.

  2. GOod Luck Leah! I will keep you in my prayers!
