Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Best Combination Ever!!!

Elizabeth could not be a happier girl. She loves the Chick-Fil-A cow and Santa. So when the two were combined it was a dream come true. She is also obsessed with Snowmen :)

Monday, December 5, 2011

It is Up to Me to decide!

So I have decided that only I can make my life happier. I kept wishing for bigger and better things to come along but then they wouldn't and I would get depressed and have a pity party. I would say things like why me and if only and my life stinks. What I found was the worse I felt, the worse I got depressed. It was a downword spiral. I didn't even want to be me anymore.

SO I have been trying this new thing for the past week and a half. It is called focus on the positive and find joy in life. It is a funny thing. When I made it up in my mind to do this, I found not only that I was happier but my family seemed happier too.
My problems and challenges haven't gotten any better, but my attitude has. I feel like my old self is starting to emerge. I must say I have missed it.
Every night before Cory and I go to bed we each list 5 things we are thankful for. Some nights I am tired and don't want to do it but it helps me to realize how much I am thankful for the things I have. My favorite so far is, I am thankful for the washing machine. Could you imagine not having one.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'm Sexy and I Know It

SO not really, but one can try right????? I had to pose with a poetry book as part of a project for my literature class. I felt I needed to post a picture of me as a "mature" student in college. Enjoy

My Girls!

Even though my girls drive me nuts, they are pretty cute. I am lucky that I have them in my life.

Friday, November 18, 2011


I have a big announcement.....I am not pregnant.....Ahahahaa....Everyone I know seems like they are pregnant or just had a baby. YOU know what though....I am happy for everyone who is pregnant but I am happier that I don't have to wake up at midnight,2,4,6 in the morning. Two kids are enough for me right now.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

I want it NOW!

I have officially run out of patience. It seems like I want things when I want and when that doesn't happen I get really angry. Patience is a virtue that I wish I had. I need to step back and enjoy the ride.
We have been waiting the last week or so to see if a potential job opportunity will happen or not for Cory..I know I should be patient but it seems like it is taking forever. As my mom reminded me, a week is really not that long to wait when it comes to the business world.
But when it is my families life it is. Sigh.....
I seriously need to focus on keeping my house clean/school work and being a mom. An amazing job will happen when it is supposed to happen.

I can't get this song out of my head.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Sometimes I wonder.....To give ya'll a little background.... Elizabeth's teacher and I have a notebook that we write in daily to communicate back and forth.
The note I am sending to school tomorrow is as follows.....

I just wanted to give you a heads up that ELizabeth's hair might smell of poop. She decided to take off a poopy diaper and wipe it in her hair. I have washed her hair 3 times and it still stinks. I am sorry in advance for the smell.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Grow Up Already Leah!!!!!

I am really immature and could watch this video clip a hundred times and never get sick of it. Anderson Cooper has made my day.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I have been super busy the last 2 months. I took a Maymester, then turned around and took 2 summer one classes. I worked super hard in these classes.I think I have studied more in the last 2 months then I did my first 2 years at Snow College. I never remembered college being this tough. I did fairly well though. I got an A in my Political Science class and an A and a B in my 2 history classes. I will be taking classes in the fall but for the time being I have a little time to just be mom again.
I am excited for the upcoming Smith family reunion in Nauvoo. I am dreading the car ride with the two kiddos though. Wish us lots of luck!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sarah Turns One...

I can't believe my little baby is one years old already. She is one sweet little girl. WE had cake and ice cream as well as opened presents.

Of course Elizabeth had to wear Sarah's birthday hat.

2011 Texas Blueberry Festival

This year was the annual Texas Blueberry Festival. My sister Heather and her family came up to Nacogdoches to celebrate with us. We all had a fun time as usual. This was Elizabeth's first year actually going out to pick blueberries. She was such a good helper.

"Picking" blueberries

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Month of May

This month has been super crazy.
For starters we moved to a bigger apartment. SO we have been up to our eyeballs unpacking boxes. It has been really nice having that extra bedroom. It has also been nice not having to hike up all those stairs (I don't miss it one bit).

I have been sick for most the month first it was Strep Throat and then Tonsillitis. I am hoping for a healthier June.I really do dislike being so sick.

The biggest thing this month has been me going back to school I signed up for a Maymester Political Science class. This class has really taught me how to study again.
The class is almost over and I am striving for an A (I guess a B would be okay though). I barely have time to breathe though because I start Summer one classes next Monday. I am taking both of my American History classes since they did not transfer from Snow College. I am hoping to get an A in both classes being that I LOVE American History ( It would also be sad if I did poorly being that I am a History major).

Everyone else has also been keeping busy. Cory is still working at WalMart. He finally got full time hours (it does stink though because he is gone from 1-10 Sunday through Thursday). Elizabeth is continually keeping us on our toes. She never seems to run out of energy. I am grateful that she will be in full day special ed/pre-K next year. Sarah has been crawling as well as pulling up. She just cut her two front teeth.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Freak Show!!!

Sarah has hives. I thought that they wouldn't be this bad. It looks really awful and I am disturbed by how she looks. We went to the doctor today and she said that there isn't much we can do for it. We just have to wait it out. In the mean time my sweet baby looks like a freak.....

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Elizabeth is 4

Our Elizabeth turned 4 on Monday, April 18th, 2011. She is no longer a toddler!
We celebrated her birthday a day early at Grandma and Grandpa's house. The whole family (minus Shelley---We missed you) was in attendance. It was super chaotic. We had an Easter egg hunt and then we ate a yummy peanut butter cake (thanks Maria it was delicious) that was decorated with Elmo candy. Elizabeth got lots of fun gifts this year. She got her first Build a Bear --Monkey that we named Georgina (her poor Curious George has been replaced). She also got a play dough set, a Curious George memory game, a book that makes sounds, a Dora movie and a doll from Grandma and Grandpa Smith. She was one spoiled girl this year.
Even though Elizabeth is one busy girl, we are glad that she is in our family.
Cory And Elizabeth Decorating eggs

Elizabeth looking for Easter eggs.

Elizabeth blowing out her candle.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Sometimes I Just Want to pull out My Hair!

I am so hopping mad right now.......I don't know why Elizabeth feels the need to take off her diaper and play in it. Tonight I put her in her room for her to go to sleep for the evening. My neighbor came over to visit when Elizabeth starts hitting the door. I go and check on her and she is covered in poop. Not only that but her walls,carpet and favorite stuffed animals have poop on them to. It took me 30 minutes to get everything wiped off. Tomorrow I am going to have to steam clean her carpet and scrub the walls with bleach. I know Elizabeth has some challenges but I just wish she would stop taking off her diaper every time she poops or pees in it. She will be 4 this month and refuses to get potty trained. We have tried to duck tape her diaper put panties over it and we have even put her diaper on backwards. Her special ed teacher and occupational therapist have given me so many suggestions but none of them seem to work. I need a miracle to get his girl potty trained.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Our Girl is ON the Move

My sweet baby is scooting. Where has the time gone. She is such a sweetie. She is always smiling and happy. She loves to kick her legs and is very interested in watching everything that is going on around her. She is also a diva. Whenever she has a poopie in her diaper it is the end of the world. I love our baby Sarah so much.

Our Busy Busy Week!!!!

This past week has been one crazy week. On Monday Elizabeth had her second eye muscle surgery in Houston. It is always sad to see my kids in pain. Elizabeth is a trooper though and made it through with flying colors. Her poor eyelid is much more droopier than before the surgery due to the fact that when you pull the eye muscle up it brings the lid muscle down. The eye doctor said that we are going to have to move up the next surgery sooner than we had thought. Poor thing can hardly see out of her right eye because her lid is so droopy.

Elizabeth right after the surgery in the recovery room.

Her poor eye the day after surgery.

On Wednesday I finally found out that I got accepted into school. At 27 I am attempting to go back to school. It is kinda a scary thing to be going back with 2 kids at home. I know that I can do it though. I am going to be majoring in History.
Picture of me being goofy.

On Friday we found out that we are hopefully going to be able to move into a 3 bedroom apartment within the complex. It has become a huge challenge to get both girls up and down three flights of stairs. We are also out of space in our current 2 bedroom apartment.Poor baby Sarah has been sleeping in the living room. The new apartment will have three rooms and is on the first floor. I am excited about the change but I also have to get everything packed within the next 2 weeks.

Here is a link of the floor plan:

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Fun in Tyler, Texas

Last Friday morning I had a spontaneous idea to rent a hotel room for the night and go out of town. We ended up getting renting a room in Tyler. Being that Tyler is only an hour and fifteen minutes away. it was an ideal place to go overnight. We stayed at the Holiday Inn (thanks Price line for an awesome room at a great price).

On Saturday we woke up and decided to go to The Discovery Science Place (it is a childrens' museum).Elizabeth had loads of fun "shopping" for groceries,taking care of the "sick" animals and pretending to be a nurse.
After the museum we went to Chuck e Cheese and used up our free tokens.Then we went shopping and to Jason's Deli (yum). Overall it was a great mini vacation.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Really......Are you that Bored

Okay so I know that Elizabeth is only three but really. She was extra destructive today. I was checking my email when I heard a strange noise....(It was quiet). I went in to find Elizabeth sitting on the kitchen floor playing in rice cereal.She had dumped out a whole box. Ughhhh....It was such a mess. I cleaned that mess up and went to change the baby. When I came out Elizabeth was eating Petroleum Jelly. Yet another time I have had to call Poison Control. The lady at Poison control asked us what our zip code was and her name. I am sure they keep a record on kids. One day CPS is going to show up at my door(just kidding). I am glad it is bed time because I need a break.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Houston Zoo

This past weekend we had a chance to go to the Houston Zoo. We had lots of fun. The zoo had this cool new Chimpanzee exhibit. It was probably one of the coolest exhibits I have ever seen in my life. The monkeys were right there a foot away from us. Elizabeth loved it and kept pointing and saying monkey.I would highly recommend it.

Elizabeth also had fun at the petting zoo. She even tried sitting on a goat (poor goat). The weather was really nice.The animals were also actually out and the zoo wasn't that crowded. All and all everyone had a great time.Yay for family activities.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dollar Store Decorations!

I was at the Dollar Tree the other day when I came across these cute vinyl stickers. They were of course a dollar which I can never resist. I had to buy 4 sets of the stickers to cover all the walls. For 4 dollars it gives Elizabeth's room a whole different vibe. Being that we live in an apartment complex we can't paint or put up wall borders. These stickers come off easily and took 10 minutes to put up. You may disagree but I think it is super cute.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

NO More Excuses!

I really have no more excuses. I have made every excuse in the book why I can't lose weight. I'm tired,was breastfeeding,too busy and so on. 2011 is the year. I am determined to lose 30 pounds in three months. I need to feel somewhat good about myself again. Here is the plan.
*Exercise five days a week for 30 minutes a day--- I am going to start and walk at the trail across the street.
* Eat lots of fiber, fruits and veggies and cut back on bread.
* Limit my sweets.
*Monitor my portions. I don't need to eat til I am full.
* Have a good attitude.

Please feel free to ask me how it is going. I need to be held accountable! Wish me luck because I am going to need it.