Monday, December 14, 2009


I haven't updated our blog in a while. Our family is doing well. Cory should be done with all his classes at the end of this week. If he passes them all then he will finally have his bachelors degree in Agricultural Business.
Elizabeth is busy driving us crazy. We did try to potty train but have given up. I think we are going to try again in a few months.
I am still tired from being pregnant. We did get to see the heartbeat again today. That was exciting. The heartbeat is at 170 BPM right now. I felt the baby flutter for the first time today when the ultrasound tech had the Doppler on my stomach. I am really hoping that it will be a girl. Cory on the other hand wants it to be as boy. We will hopefully find out sooner than later.
I am also busily getting ready for Christmas to come. I am finished shopping for gifts. Now all I have to is wrap them.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Adventures of a Two Year Old

I must say that Elizabeth has been acting like a crazy woman this month. She decided that she was too big for the crib. We have gone in many a time and found her climbing out of the crib. It is actually kind of funny and annoying at the same time. We are at the point now where she sleeps in her toddler bed at night and her crib at nap time. My friend Michelle made us a large sleep sack to sleep in during naps. It has worked beautifully until today. She figured out how to take it off . It was even inside out. Ahhhhh.................... I walked in to find her naked in her crib. At least she hadn't peed or pooped yet.

She has also been very much a "little mommy" lately. She puts her stuffed animals to bed and decided to feed Elmo a tortilla today. I am proud of the things Elizabeth tries to do.

Monday, November 9, 2009


There were a few different titles I thought would be appropriate for this post. The first one being I guess I won't be losing 10 more pounds by Thanksgiving. Or my favorite one being..... I can't do anything on my own:That's why I like to copy Bart and Shelley.
It comes down to this. Cory and I are expecting again. What a surprise for us. I am only 8 weeks along (according to the ultrasound). I was thinking I was further along since I have been sick for at least a month. It is going to be a long 9 months (really 10 months).
I have been nauseous,constipated and really tired. I am excited though. Now I just hope I can get over this horrible cold that I have.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Good Times with two 2 year olds

This past week my niece Maddie came to visit us. She was here for a whole week. For the most part having an extra 2 year old around the house was fun. We did have biting and hitting issues though. That is pretty typical for that age.
It was cool to see the girls get along and get to know one another. We live far enough away that we don't get a lot of time to hang out with Maddie or any of her cousins. I enjoyed getting to know Maddie better. She has a sweet personality.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Elizabeth Is in Love with Barney.

Elizabeth loves Barney. She watches the show every day and we own 5 Barney videos. We even have a Stuffed Barney (my nice sister let us borrow him). Well today we were watching Barney and Elizabeth was dancing and such and having a good time. Well BJ (one of Barney's friends) was riding a scooter too fast and he fell down. Elizabeth got really concerned and went up to the screen. When she saw that BJ was fine she kissed him. She really kissed the TV screen though. It was sooooooo cute. She makes this cute muahhhh sound. She hardly kisses her mom and dad but I guess Barney, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff are another story. She is such a funny kid.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I AM Grateful for such a great family.

I must say that I am one lucky girl. I have a wonderful family both immediate and extended.
I don't think they realize how much they mean to me.
First off I love my husband Cory and my daughter Elizabeth. My husband really works hard for our family. The poor guy works full time and is taking 3 classes. When he comes home he helps around the house. He is also a good dad to Elizabeth. Elizabeth is my sweet little girl. She is not my baby anymore. She is finally saying a few words and that is just the best. My child is progressing.
I am thankful that Heavenly Father gave me a good family to be in. We have our challenges but we make it work.
Sorry for the low quality picture. Our scanner is broken. This is a picture of a picture

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Goals

I am itching to lose another 10 pounds before Thanksgiving. I have unfortunitly gained 2 pounds in a month and I am not happy about it at all.. I was doing great eating right and exercising and then all of a sudden I started eating like poop again. I haven't started eating crazy amounts of fried foods or anything like that. It has been the bread (that dang toast is just sooooo good) and sweets (ice cream). I have still been exercising but losing weight really isn't going to work if I can't get a handle on eating right. It is soooooo frustrating. I have to face the reality that this is my life. I need to embrace this body that I have been given. I want to be around to be at least eighty. Wish me luck and please keep asking me how the weight loss is going. I think this is as skinny as I have been for at least five years. Sad I know.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Elizabeth with pigtails????

I finally attempted to put Elizabeth's hair in pigtails today. It is a joke. She is almost 2 and a half and has no hair. I need to do something though. Last week we were at Payless and some lady kept calling Elizabeth a "HE". She was wearing a dress. It was ridiculous.
I am also kinda blessed though because I have no idea how to fix her hair cute. I know it will come with practice but yeah..... I guess time will tell.


So I was going through our camera and looking through the pictures today and I accidentally deleted all the pictures off the camera. There were over 200 pictures on it. I thought Cory was going to Kill me. He is a nice husband though and said it was okay. I am glad we had uploaded 95% percent of them on the computer. I need to be more careful in the future.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Our Crazy Girl

Elizabeth cracks me up. She has really been a character lately. She has these crazy sun glasses that she loves to wear.

She has also been acting like she is ready to start potty training. She takes off her diaper several times a day. The other day she even took off her diaper and pooped on her slide. We have resorted to putting her in these granny training pants.. We have to also really watch her so that she doesn't get into the bathroom. She loves playing in the toilet. We did buy her a frog potty yesterday and she really seems like she likes it. She put her Curious George on it and said Pot. At least she realizes that the potty is for sitting on. The hard part will be actually getting her to use it. I hope that she will be potty trained before she is three. The joys of parenting. Elizabeth in her training pants.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Our Fun Trip to Houston

We went to Houston to see my family and hang out with my friend Kalia this past weekend. We were super busy to say the least. We got to my parents house late on Friday. On Saturday we got together with the Rowe family, Bart and Maddie and of course my parents. We had a lovely and Carb filled meal at Johnny Carino's.
Then we went to my parents community pool/mini water park. It was tons of fun. Elizabeth LOVED it. She is such a little fish. I could hardly keep up with her.
Then after the pool we dropped Elizabeth off at my parents house. They were soooooo great to watch her for us. We went to pick up my wonderful friend Kalia up from the airport. It was great to see her. We went to Chuy's (a Tex-Mex restaurant) restaurant and had some good laughs.
Then on Sunday I made steaks (Yummy) and then we went to church. After wards, we took Kalia to the airport so that she could go back to Boston. It was great having Kalia here to visit and to catch up.
We came back on Monday evening. It was nice to get away for a while from the same old same old. Now it is back to reality. I need to get refocused on my "healthy lifestyle changes" and stop eating so much meat and bread..... BLAH!..... I wish I would have taken pictures. Sorry there aren't any.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

4 Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed!

Elizabeth has been a little monkey lately. She likes to give me a run for my money. She thinks it is funny to get into everything.
She is in love with her Curious Georges'. Elizabeth likes to dress up her Georges'. Everyday George needs a shirt,a diaper and socks on.
The other day we put Elizabeth down for a nap. Well we thought she was asleep and all of a sudden we heard her screaming. Cory ran into her bedroom and she was throwing a fit because one of George's socks had fallen off. Cory put the sock back on George and Elizabeth was fine and went right to sleep after that. It was pretty ridiculous!These kids can be funny sometimes. We still love her though.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

If this is part of Getting Older then Count Me Out!

So Lately I have been forgetting things and getting confused about things that I shouldn't be getting confused about. I mean there is the occasional forgetting my phone or wallet or a persons name but lately it has been out of control.
So yesterday I sent out an email for playgroup giving people directions to my apartment. Well I sent off the email and went about my day. Well tonight I was sweeping off my front balcony and looked up at my front door. The thought occurred to me that I could not remember my apartment number. I lifted up the wreath that sits in front of the apartment number and saw that it was apartment number 335. For some reason I thought that we lived in apartment number314. Who knows where I came up with that number from.Then I thought ohhhh crud what did I write as the address on my email yesterday. I hurriedly ran to the computer and pulled up the old email. Sure enough I had put the wrong apartment number. I had to send out a correction email. I don't know what is wrong with my memory. Is this something that happens as we get older. I am only twenty five. I hope this isn't a continual memory issue.
I am also paranoid because for Book Club last month we read this book about a 50 year old lady who developed early onset Alzheimer's. I think I need to start doing memory exercises. I mean it is funny but disturbing at the same time.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Obsession With "Reality" TV

I have turned into a TV zombie....... I no longer have set sitcoms that I watch. Instead my good old "ER" (wipe a tear) has been replaced with my new favorites like the Bachelorette, America's Got Talent and all these other stupid basic cable "reality" shows (Sixteen and Pregnant....need I say more.........Big time lame) I feel like they are such a waste of time but yet I still watch them. Poor Cory is about ready to go crazy with my "reality" show obsession. I know these shows are really not real but I just keep watching. Sigh...... I really need to pick up a good book or get a meaningful hobby. I am soooo sorry this post is so boring.I think I need to get some reality TV rehab.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Our New Computer!!!

So yet another unexpected but needed expense.....On Friday morning Cory, Elizabeth and I were sleeping in our beds when all of a sudden we were awoken by a loud bolt of lightning outside of our window. I am not sure how close it was but I guess Cory said he was awake and just laying in bed when he saw a flash of light outside of our bedroom window and then the load boom. So it was pretty scary and woke everyone up. I was still laying in bed when I started to smell a burning smell. I got up to investigate the smell. The smell was the strongest by the computer. Sure enough it was the computer. The computer had been on sleep mode and I guess the lighting fried the computer. It was hooked up to a surge protector but the surge protector failed to work. Needless to say.....We are have a new computer.
I really dislike making large purchases. It makes me nervous and super stressed. Cory and I only ever have bought a new bed, a washer and dryer and now a computer. I just get stressed with making large purchases. I am sure I will be a wreck when we buy our first house or a new car ( I mean we have bought used cars before but we have never had a car payment before). Anyways I am hoping this new computer will last 5 years or so.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Update On Elizabeth

Elizabeth is doing better these days. We had her eyes tested again earlier this month and the Eye Doctor said everything looked good. We were also able to get her tubes replaced again. It has made a world of difference. Elizabeth can actually hear now. She has even started attempting to say words like dog,fish,cheese,sit,hi,bye mom,dad,Barney and George (for Curious George). I am soooooo thrilled and happy.

We also finally got her hearing test done. I cannot believe that Elizabeth slept for 2 hours without drugs while hooked up to wires. I prayed the whole time while the test was going on. The Audiologist said that her hearing seems to be normal. We just have to stay on top of ear infections and make sure her tubes are working properly.

Last month at this time Elizabeth was not hearing not talking and we thought she might have growths on her optic nerves. Now she is doing better. I know we have a long road ahead of us with the talking and her Neurofibromotosis but things seem to be manageable now.

I am also grateful to my Heavenly Father that Elizabeth is doing better. I know that he answers prayers. I am also thankful for everyone's support and prayers. I know that without the support and prayers I would not be able to have been able to cope. I will keep everyone posted on Elizabeth's progress.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

6 Inches Shorter and 40 Dollars Poorer!!

I finally took the plunge and cut 6 inches of hair off my head. I was tired of the tangles and time it took to get all the knots out of my hair. I was needing a change. Here are some before and after pictures.....



Friday, June 12, 2009

Update on "The Biggest Loser" competition.

Soooo we are I believe six weeks into our family biggest loser competition. Here are the current standings...

I am in first place (I can smell two hundred dollars coming my way shortly)---I have as of this morning lost 20 lbs.
Bart is in second place...I believe he has lost 10 lbs.
My Dad has lost 6 or 7 pounds (He and my mom went on a cruise sooo I am not sure if he is still at that number on his weight loss)
Heather has lost 5 lbs. She has been working hard to go to the Gym and eating right sooo she can still be a contender.
My mom is trying still. I think she has lost 1 0r 2 lbs.
Richard has gained a pound... I laugh about this because he keeps talking a lot of trash. He has no excuse. They have a state of the art pool and gym at their Apt. complex.

I hope we can all continue to lead healthy lifestyles. I know I have to be healthier then I have been in the past. I hope to lose at least another 15-20lbs by the time the competition is over. I have been working out 4-5 times a week and really watching what I eat. I know I can be healthier and cuter by the end of the summer.

Monday, June 1, 2009

It is going to be a long summer!!!!

Today was our first "official" day this year that we have not had to watch Colton ( I had watched him August to Now from 7-3:30 -Monday through Friday). I was looking forward to a break but now I just wish he were still here. I must say that Elizabeth and I are already Bored to tears. I worked out and that was the highlight of my day. Unfortunately we live in a small town. There is not much to do here. There are only so many times you can go to Wal- Mart each week. Elizabeth and I have read every book we own at least 5 times and done all her puzzles multiple times. Elizabeth has been getting into everything. I catch her frequently going through the pantry and on the computer. She even figured out how to climb up the changing table. She is one brave girl. I think she is needing more excitement too.

If it is quiet in the house I can guarantee that Elizabeth is on the computer.

I am even jealous that my husband gets to go to work everyday. I have thought about getting a part time job but then I would have to worry about finding a babysitter for Elizabeth. Plus she is sick enough as it is, so putting her in that environment would make matters worse. I am just wondering if anyone has any suggestions for making life bearable at home all day with a two year old. I might go insane!!!! HELP

Monday, May 25, 2009

Richard and Maria Get Hitched!!!

On May 23rd at 12 o'clock Maria and Richard were sealed in the Houston Texas Temple. It was an awesome wedding. I was very grateful that Cory and I were able to join in with my whole family. It was neat to have all the adults in the Smith family together in the temple. Maria looked stunning in her dress. Richard looked really sharp in his tux! They are one cute married couple.
Picture of my siblings Maria and me.

The girls Love Grandma. Poor Grandma!

Maria and Richard Cutting the cake.

Friday, May 15, 2009

My Sweet Elizabeth

We love our sweet daughter Elizabeth. Since birth we have had our up's and downs with her health. Like any child I'm sure. Anyways.... I am worried about her. She is getting tubes in her ears for the second time this coming Tuesday. I am just sad for her. I know Heavenly Father loves her and knows what he is doing but I am just concerned. My heart aches for her. Well after we get the tubes put back in then we can have her hearing rechecked. She is right on par with her playing and being able to do puzzles and such. Her talking on the other hand is almost non- existant. I guess it is just hard when all the other kids her age are talking. I know at some point she will start to talk. I just want everything now. I am so impatient. I wonder sometimes why Elizabeth has been given these challenges. I get down on myself and wonder whar I ahve done wrong as a mother. Then I have to take a step back and say, at least I have Elizabeth. I am grateful for her in our family. I wanted to have a child so bad and at least I have her. No one has a perfect kid. Well I am grateful for her. I just need to hold out hope. It will get better. I have to believe that some day soon I will wish she would just stop talking. Wish us luck. I will keep everyone posted.

Friday, May 8, 2009

I am Obsessed!!!

Alright everyone. I have officially lost it. I stayed up til 2:30 AM this morning to get a $60 off of a $100.00 dollar purchase at Old Navy. My sister and I have been obsessed (mainly me of course) with getting good coupons from SO this is how it works. They only release coupons at random times. Well I got a tip today from (shout out!!!) that they would be releasing new coupons sometime tonight. I started stalking and refreshing the old navy website at around 9 pm. I waited and waited. At 2 o'clock I had had enough. I went and laid down. Well the computer screen was keeping me awake so I went to turn the computer off when I noticed that I had forgotten to close down one of the tabs. So I clicked on the tab. The screen read new coupons are loading. Check back very soon. I waited a few minutes more and there it was. The coupons are totally random in the site themselves. I was looking for the 60 off coupon when I saw a Dolphin in the back round of one of the scenes. Anyways... I clicked on it and got a 45.00 off 100 dollar purchase. Not bad huh. I opened up another screen at the same time so I could get a coupon for my sister. I then saw a sea gull flying across the screen. I clicked and clicked. Nothing happened!!! Anyways.. I found out after the 60 dollar coupon was gone that you had to take shorts out of the bird ( which is flying across the screen mind you) and put them on the second girl in the picture. Who would even think to do that. Anyways. I am sorry to brag but I am all about the deals. It is like a drug to me. I am sooooooo excited that I cannot sleep and it is almost 4 am. I have to get up in 3 hours. Craziness!!! Sorry for the randomness of this post.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cory's Birthday Cake

Cory's birthday is today!!! He turned the mature age of 28. I wanted to make it extra special by making him an Oreo ice cream cake. Simple enough right. Well I was wrong in this assumption. I bought Devils food cake mix and Blue bell ice cream. Got my easy recipe off line and thought I was ready to go. I went ot making the first cake and everything went well and then the cake decided to roll out of the pan..oops
Needless to say I ended up spending who knows how long making and then making yet another cake. Here are the results....

This was how it looked on the first try.

This is the final product.....

This is a front view. Not bad for my first ice cream cake. I hope it tastes good. At least now I know how to make an ice cream cake.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Biggest Loser

So my family (Dad,mom,Heather,Bart, Richard and Myself) has decided to start a weight loss competition. We are all putting in 25 dollars each and whoever loses the most weight gets all the money. I could totally use 125 dollars. If I play the game right ( eat well and exercise) then there should not be a problem winning.
The competition is fierce though......
* My dad is a crazy man when it comes to running. He can run 10 miles it seems an hour. He once lost so much weight that people thought he was sick.
*My mom has lost weight many a time and I feel can do it again.
*Heather has already lost a bunch of weight and is really good about going to the YMCA and working out every day. She is also really good about watching what she eats.
*Bart has lost weight and win I might add a "Biggest Loser" competition before.
*Lastly there is Richard. This kid doesn't know the meaning of failure. He has to win at any cost. If you have ever played a board game then you know what I am talking about.

So wish me luck!!! I have so far today been eating healthy. I need to start exercising though. I will keep everyone posted on my progress.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Elizabeth Turns Two!

Elizabeth's hat addiction...She loves them

Elizabeth turned two this past Saturday. I cannot believe how old she is. For her birthday we had strawberry cupcakes, pened presents and went to her (Cory and I's also) favorite Tex-Mex resturant Pasado's. She got way too many presents for her birthday. She got an Elmo Live, A cool slide, a play vacuum a cute blanket from her grandma Anderson and a nice dress from Grandma Smith.
We are very thankful that she is in our lives.She is such a handful though. Elizabeth likes puzzles, looking at books and eating. She is really into wearing hats and her stuffed animal Curious George.
Hello everyone,
My husband has been harassing me to create a blog......So I have decided to go for it. I cannot guarantee that this blog will be interesting. We will have to see. I hope ya'll enjoy!!